"No man can hide from his fears; as they are a part of him, they will always know where he is hiding."
A day at the fair turns into a night of terror for three young brothers. The youngest ones nightmares become a reality when three escaped mental patients/convicts decide to have a night of fun filled murder.
Usually when I find a movie from this era I don't remember having seen it until 3 minutes into the flick. This however was completely unknown and unseen for me until last night. There were quite a few killer clown/carnival movies that I have seen and I think this is one of the better ones. Thanks to a friend for turning me onto this lost classic that I had somehow missed all these years.
BTW when the clowns are in the tent removing their makeup I swear that is a Barack Obama mask on the wall behind them, I had just had to pause it! Also check out the cool 80's movie posters on the kids bedroom walls.